How can you join in our Christmas contest?

Publicado en por Lea Lelo

1. Print these drawings so that your kids can add their colours. You can download them here in PDF or print them directly from this page (your mouse must be on top of the image you want to print, please click with the right side of your mouse and choose "safe file", once you have it in your computer you can print it).

If you don't have a printer you can participate, sending us a free drawing made by your kid, showing one or more of our characters in a Christmas drawing.

2. Publish it at our Facebook (Photo or scan of the drawing of your kid).

3. Achieve at least 5 (I like it) for the drawing of your kid.

..That’s all!!

The week of the 17th of December we will publish at our Facebook the winner of the 5 fans who have won a pair of Lea Lelo shoes. The winner will be chosen through all participators who accomplish with the rules. Good luck!! Legal terms of our contest at Facebook, please click here.


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